Don’t rely on the Magic 8 Ball for business blog content

A Magic 8 BallSmall business owners often struggle when coming up with or deciding upon appropriate content for their business blogs. Sometimes it seems like some business owners rely on the Magic 8 Ball for guidance: “Oh, Magic 8 Ball, should I post about this topic?”

When drafting content for business blogs, we need to make every post count. Every word and image that we post online needs to contribute to our marketing efforts. Taking a lackadaisical or random approach to content decisions is bound to be inefficient at best, and potentially even detrimental to our marketing plans.

Create a list and check it twice

An effective blogging campaign requires planning and forethought. Don’t wait until seated before the computer to decide the most appropriate blog topic. That should be done beforehand. We should make determining content topics part of our strategy process.

To help with that, we can keep a list of helpful approaches for deciding blog content. When considering our online marketing strategy, we can use that list to nail down valuable content for blog posts.

When the marketing campaign is in full swing, we can use our list of suitable topics to keep ourselves on track and producing quality blog posts.

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